We've expanded our existing USB 3.0 portfolio of accessories to include two new PCI Express USB 3.0 cards with 2 and 4 ports respectively.
The highly efficient 2-port card features two host controllers to ensure that you can run both USB cameras in parallel and at high bandwidth without sacrificing transfer speed. The new 4-port card by contrast offers the opportunity to operate 4 USB cameras simultaneously using distribute bandwidth, a major benefit for keeping overall system costs under control.
An overview of the key features of the two cards:
USB 3.0 Card PCIe, Renesas, 2 HC, x4, 2 Ports
- 2 ports for use of up to 2 USB cameras
- 2 host controllers and 4 lanes to the computer for transferring at a high bandwidth of 360 MB/s per camera
USB 3.0 Card PCIe, Fresco FL1100, 1HC, x1, 4 ports
- 4 ports for use of up to 4 USB cameras
- 1 host controller and 1 lane to the computer for transferring at a high bandwidth of 380MB/s per camera.
To Know More About Basler Machine Vision Camera in India, Contact Menzel Vision and Robotics Pvt Ltd at (+ 91) 22 35442505 or Email us at info@mvrpl.com
Source - baslerweb.com