- Spectrometer compatible - These cameras have mounting holes for spectrographs, making them suitable for (hyper)spectral imaging applications
- Thermal imaging of hot objects - SWIR cameras are ideal for thermal imaging of hot metals (> 300 degC)
- High sensitivity for low-light conditions - Low noise, low dark current detectors for extended integration times
- Extending SWIR imaging to the visible - VISNIR or visible enhanced InGaAs sensors for extended response from 500 to 1700 nm
- Cooled operation for low light-level imaging - A cooled SWIR detector has lower dark current and allows for longer integration times
- Flexible programming in an open architecture - SDK (Software Developing Kit) available for all cameras - samples available for C++, LabView, Linux…
- CameraLink and triggering for high speed imaging - CameraLink interface is suitable for high datarates - triggering can be used for synchronisation at high frame rates
SWIR Cameras: